In English

The Skuodas Museum was founded on the 30 th December, 1991. It opened its doors for the first visitors in August 1992, to commemorate the Skuodas self- government  420 th anniversary.

The museum was founded in a manor house, which bespeaks of numerous historical town events. It is where the first Skuodas gymnasium was established in 1918. Later on some other cultural institutions functioned there, the last of which was musical school. That is why historical and musical spirit  is felt here up to now.

The museum has accumulated about 20.000 exhibits, the major part of which are ethnographical, historical and folk art exhibits. A considerable part is taken up by archeological findings discovered in the mounds and burial place of Apuolė, Klaišiai and Klauseikiai. The museum exhibit fund is also curator of emigrant presents : Dana Binkis from Australia has presented her father’s, L. Berta6ius, photographs and medals, depicting the Skuodas social life in the period of 1920 – 1930. M. B. Stankūnienė fro Chicago has given pictures – woodcuts and batik art collection.

The museum has got 6 exposition halls, permanent exhibitions being ,,The Skuodas town formation history”,  ,,Exile, partisan movement and Lithuanian Sąjūdis activities in Skuodas”,  Samogitian home”, ,,Sports activities in Skuodas” as Nell as folk-artist’s J. Šilinis donated works exhibition. Other exhibition halls contain changeable folk-artist’s and professional art exhibitions which are constantly being arranged not only from the Skuodas but also from other further away areas.

The museum is a sanctuary of history, preserving our area’s historical and cultural heritage. Halfway in the second decade of its existence the museum goes on with its routine work, organizing expeditions to enrich the already owned funds, registrating and describing the exhibits, doing some research work, arranging excursions and cultural activities.

The museum is visited by the Skuodas and nearby areas people as well as foreign guests. The major part of those visiting the museum is schoolchildren and students, who need certain data for their course, diploma or project works. All this makes the museum workers look for new work forms, carrying on educational mission.

There is a Lithuania’s Local Lore Society Skuodas branch functioning attached to the museum. Due to their efforts the museum boasts of a considerable local lore fund, they have also made up their work catalogue and local lore exhibitions have become traditional.

Services provided by the museum:

  • teachers are offered to conduct history, ethics, ethnoculture, technologies, art lessons in the museum premises;
  •  possibility to get  acquainted with the museum exhibit funds;
  • educational activities are carried on;
  • possibility to organize conferences, project works presentations;
  • to arrange various theme exhibitions at the request of students, teaches, artists etc.

Open  weekdays:

  • Mon-Thurs 8.00-17.00
  • Fri   8.00-15.45

From May 1st – August 31 also Sat 10-14


  • Eur 2 – adults
  • Eur 1 – students, pensioners
  • Eur 5 – excursion groups
  • Admission free –for persons with a disability level of 55 percent or less, or a level of special needs, children with disabilities up to 18 years of age, pupils of children’s care homes, children of preschool age.

Extra services:

Methodical aid on historical and ethnographical issues of the Skuodas area; access to archives, regional studies and museum funds; conference organisation and project presentation in the museum conference hall.